Fusion Investor Chatbox

This chatbox is for fundamental, technical and related discussions on investing in Bursa Malaysia. Registration is required to join. Please email me at fusion.investor@gmail.com with your preferred name and password and I will inform you when registration is confirmed.

Disclaimer: As usual, you are solely responsible for your trading & investing decisions.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Welcome Moolah!

The top chatbox went abuzz yesterday morning, when a few of the early chatters saw that Moolah had joined the chatbox. I was there, and interestingly sensed an aura of temporary disbelief and excitement amongst some of the investors, that the author of one of the best Bursa Malaysia investing blogs had joined them for a chat! For the few of you who may not know who Moolah is, allow me to introduce Moolah to you, not that he really need an introduction from me! :-)

Simply put, Moolah is the owner, author, researcher, analyst, formatter, administrator - in short - the "hard worker" of this popular and long-running blog - http://whereiszemoola.blogspot.com/ as well as Sahamas and the many other blog-links in his main blog. Both are investment places that I can whole-heartedly recommend every investor to visit if not, do a deep study. Moolah is a firm believer of business-like investing, but what makes his approach unique is his disciplined practice of the "negative art" of business-like investing. I visit Moolah's blog regularly, and I must say I have yet to see him recommend a sound fundamental stock to buy whole-heartedly. Don't get me wrong. It is easy to under-estimate this, but if you do a study of Moolah's thought process, you will quickly realize that to him, a company is just like people. There is no such thing as a perfect company, just like there is no such thing as a perfect human being. Every one has their flaws, just like every company has weaknesses. Moolah's unique strength is the ability to question almost everything, and as a result, realistically identify and highlight the potential weaknesses or uncertainties of every single company that he analyzes. This is actually a very important trait of a successful investor, because Moolah is very much aware of the potential downside to any investment. Moolah is one of the very, very rare people in the investment field who actually identified MEGAN very early on as a company to avoid, well before the company was actually exposed for the numerous accounting irregularities and fraud. And I am sad to say that MEGAN is not the only nor last company with problems in Bursa Malaysia. His site is definitely one of the most important websites for all Bursa Malaysia investors to bookmark, visit, and do a deep study. Moolah is also one of the most generous investing blog authors I have known - the quality of his analysis and second opinion generally ranges from good to excellent, he is a prolific writer, somehow, always managed to find the time to write so much, that he as well as Dali certainly set and define the benchmark for investment blog writers to emulate. In Moolah's own style, I must also say that I don't always agree with what he has to say (since he is also human just like you and me), but I always consider very carefully what he says, because more often than not, he has a very good point.

On that note, please join me in welcoming Moolah to this chatbox!

Happy investing! (and don't be afraid to question him! Remember he is Human just like you :-) )



Moolah said...

My Dearest Seng,


I am most honored by what you have written.

Many thanks for your kind words.


random said...

moola certainly doesn't follow the herd....